
beim Zahnarzt

at the dentist

© René Wolbert
DEU near Osnabrück
© René Wolbert

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oliver42 published on 02/28/2019 6:16 a.m.:

Bei der jährlichen Inspektion entdeckte mein Zahnarzt auf der Kaufläche des linken unteren Backenzahns zwei durch dauerhaften Druck entstandene Vertiefungen. Um ein tiefergehendes Fortschreiten zu verhindern, hat er die beiden Löcher mit dem Bohrer freigelegt und zugespachtelt. René Wolbert: ein Meister seines Fachs !

At the annual inspection, my dentist discovered two permanent indentations on the chewing surface of the lower left molar tooth. In order to prevent a deeper progression, he has excavated the two holes with the drill and tipped. René Wolbert: a master of his trade!


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tomasz-hejna wrote on 11/06/2020 5:12 p.m. :

I have not had any seal since I was born (40 years old) :)

I have not had any seal since I was born (40 years old) :)

oliver42 wrote on 11/06/2020 5:13 p.m. :

Good for you !

Good for you !

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