
Dom zu Limburg an der Lahn, 1924

© Kurt Hielscher
DEU Limburg an der Lahn

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Casper_Molenaar published on 02/10/2020 3:01 p.m.:

Dom zu Limburg, Limburg an der Lahn😍, Germany, 1924 vs. the 2nd Christmas Day the 26th of December 2019

Photos: Kurt Hielscher & me😊
More now&then from Kurt Hielscher&me you'll find at www.facebook.com/inthefootstepsofKurtHielscher/

Our first stop for our last Christmas holidaytrip was picturesque Limburg an der Lahn. We parked our campervan at the opposite shore from the Lahn faced towards the city center and its impressive Dom zu Limburg. It was a short walk to the Alte Lahnbrücke wherefrom it appeared that Kurt Hielscher took his photo some 96 years ago.

When I took my photocamera and the book of Kurt Hielscher a man approached me and we started chatting a little. After I answered what I was doing, he showed me a binder with lots of old photos of Limburg an der Lahn and he was looking for a specific one to show me. That one photo was from 1925, so only a year later after Kurt Hielscher took his photo with the Dom totally in flames (see comment section below👇). I was stunned.
Limburg an der Lahn is a beautiful compact city. Don’t pass without jumping off the highway, take a look and stroll around a little.

Me working on it in Limburg an der Lahn: https://www.facebook.com/inthefootstepsofKurtHielscher/posts/496103477683307



UPDATE (10-2): The fire was in 1929 and mainly hit the Castle. The Dom had some damage too, but not as severe as it seems on the photo in my comment.
Here a post from the Stadtarchiv Limburg a. d. Lahn with more info and photos:


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