
Venedig, Blick von der Rialto-Brücke

Venice, view from the Rialto bridge

ITA Venedig

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tomil_de published on 08/04/2020 7:33 p.m.:

Der Blick von der Rialto-Brücke, Venedig, Italien.
…ein Tag und Nacht Vergleich der zum Träumen verleitet.

The view from the Rialto Bridge, Venice, Italy.
… A day and night comparison that leads to dreaming.


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nwolpert wrote on 08/04/2020 9:24 p.m. :

Herrlich! Daran hatte ich auch gedacht :) https://www.re.photos/de/compilation/4543/

Wonderful! I thought of that too :) https://www.re.photos/de/compilation/4543/

tomil_de wrote on 08/05/2020 6:21 a.m. (edited on 08/05/2020 6:23 a.m.) :

@nwolpert, herzlichen Dank.
Den Blick vom Ponte dell'Accademia finde ich mindestens genauso toll, leider ist hier die Nachtaufnahme ein wenig zu dunkel geraten.

@nwolpert, thank you very much.
I think the view from the Ponte dell'Accademia is just as great, unfortunately the night shot here is a bit too dark.

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