Unknown author
DEU near Hannover
© https://stadthistorie.info/vergleich/155/Waterloos%C3%A4ule%

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Bera published on 11/26/2021 9:29 a.m.:

Knapp 110 Jahre liegen zwischen den Vergleichsbildern und zeigen deutlich die Veränderungen zwischen Waterlooplatz und Neuem Rathaus. Vom alten Zeughaus überlebten nur die Außenmauern und wurde schließlich zugunsten des Neubaus der Landesbibliothek abgerissen.

(cc. Stadthistorie Hannover)

Almost 110 years lie between the comparative images and clearly show the changes between Waterlooplatz and the New Town Hall. Only the outer walls of the old armory survived and were finally torn down in order to build the new state library.

(cc.Hannover city history)


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oliver42 wrote on 11/27/2021 5:51 a.m. :

Wow ! Von wo wurden denn die Aufnahmen gemacht ?

Wow! Where were the recordings made from?

Bera wrote on 11/27/2021 4:51 p.m. :

@oliver42 It's from the "Waterloo Column! sorry, i can't speak german, i copied the decription from a website :]

@oliver42 It's from the "Waterloo Column! sorry, i can't speak german, i copied the decription from a website :]

Bera wrote on 11/27/2021 4:51 p.m. :

@oliver42 It's from the "Waterloo Column! sorry, i can't speak german, i copied the decription from a website :]

@oliver42 It's from the "Waterloo Column! sorry, i can't speak german, i copied the decription from a website :]

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