


© ONB/Wien + L 25.648-B
AUT near Vienna

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nwolpert published on 07/07/2024 2:06 p.m.:

View of the Franziskanerplatz in Vienna looking north from Weihburggasse. The square is named after the Franciscan monastery located here. The square was created in 1624 by demolishing the building in front of the monastery to improve access to the church, the facade of which can be seen on the right. In the middle stands the Moses fountain from 1798. On the left is the facade of the Orellisches Haus (named after Baron Peter von Orelli, for whom it was built in 1698). All of the buildings on the square are now listed buildings.

Source Before photo:
Österreichische Nationalbibliothek / Lichtbildstelle
Media number: 00117807
Object name: L 25.684B

Stefan_M wrote on 07/09/2024 9 p.m. :

Klasse gemacht.
Die ÖNB hat ein wunderbares Archiv historischer Fotos, leider alle kostenpflichtig. Daran könnte man verzweifeln....
Hat man Dir dieses auf Kulanz überlassen, oder mußtest Du dafür bezahlen?

Well done.
The Austrian National Bank has a wonderful archive of historical photos, unfortunately all of them are subject to a fee. It could drive you to despair....
Did they let you have this as a goodwill gesture, or did you have to pay for it?

nwolpert wrote on 07/10/2024 11:25 a.m. :

Danke! Ja ich wollte einige Fotos von der ÖNB nutzen und musste viel dafür bezahlen. Bin auch immer frustriert wenn so hohe Gebühren für historische Fotos erhoben werden...

Thank you! Yes, I wanted to use some photos from the ÖNB and had to pay a lot for them. I'm always frustrated when such high fees are charged for historical photos...

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