
Abbaye aux Hommes

Abbey of Men

© Bibliothèque nationale de France
FRA near Caen

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nwolpert published on 12/15/2024 4:13 p.m.:

Procession of the "Fête-Dieu" in Caen in 1928, with the Abbaye aux Hommes (or "Saint-Étienne de Caen") in the background. This festival was (and is still) celebrated 60 days after Easter. A procession moves from the "Couvent de la Visitation" to the church of Saint-Étienne. A statue of Louis XIV can be seen in front of the church, which is now located on the Place Saint-Sauveur.

The Abbaye aux Hommes was founded around 1060 by William the Conqueror, who is buried there. At the same time, his wife Mathilde founded the "Abbaye aux Dames".
Despite the intensive bombing of Caen, the church survived unscathed. Today, the buildings of the former monastery house the town hall of Caen, since the former town hall building was destroyed by the bombings.

Source before-photo:
Bibliothèque nationale de France , Agence Rol. Agence photographique (commanditaire). ark:/12148/btv1b53201957q

oliver42 wrote on 12/17/2024 4:35 p.m. :

Spitzenmäßig! Wo haben Sie gestanden?

Excellent! Where were you standing?

nwolpert wrote on 12/18/2024 8:18 p.m. :

Danke! In dem Park vor der Kirche (das alte Foto scheint von einer Anhöhe aufgenommen worden zu sein, aber heute gibt es da keine)

Thank you! In the park in front of the church (the old photo seems to have been taken from a hill, but there is none there today)

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