
Grandmother and Granddaughter 70 years apart

© Harry Rowed
CAN Columbia Icefield, Canada
© Scott Rowed

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oliver42 schrieb am 26.11.2020 04:48 Uhr:

Canmore photographer Scott Rowed has spent a lifetime taking photos of the mountains of the west. He's been published in places like National Geographic, Powder and Skiing. In summer 2017, he headed back to the shoulder of Mt. Athabasca (part of the Columbia Icefield and just above where the Ice Explorers go) to recreate a photo his father had taken 70 years ago. Rowed and his daughter Kylie eventually found the exact rock where his mother Gen had stood in 1947 when she posed for a photo by her husband, Scott's father Harry Rowed. (https://www.banffjaspercollection.com/attractions/columbia-icefield/stories/timeless-change-at-the-columbia-icefield/)


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Lena schrieb am 03.12.2020 07:13 Uhr :

Schöne Komposition!

Schöne Komposition!

Vorher-Nachher-Bilder in der Nähe

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