
Hofbräuhaus München

Hofbräuhaus Munich

© k.a.
DEU near Munich

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Stefan_M published on 08/29/2017 4:09 p.m.:

Das berühmte Hofbräuhaus in München. Nicht mehr königlich, aber seine Einnahmen sind sicherlich für den bayr. Finanzminister erfreulich!

The famous Hofbräuhaus in Munich. Not royally anymore, but its revenues are certainly for the bayr. Minister of Finance pleasing!


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Stefan_M wrote on 09/10/2017 8:02 a.m. (edited on 04/15/2019 3:52 p.m.) :

Mich hat gewundert, dass dieses Bild auf einmal so viele Aufrufe hat. Mal eben gegoogelt, jemand hat es wohl im US-amerikanischen Raum verlinkt: https://imgur.com/gallery/BzxcLQD
Die tollsten Kommentare von da:
"This is the first place I ever got drunk."
"I've been there, too bad I was too young to drink back then"
"I've got a much newer one across the street."
"Stole... er... borrowed a glass from there just last year."
"The current building has a very ornate ceramic bowl in the men's bathroom. It's a vomit bowl."
Soll keiner sagen, die Amis hätten keinen Humor ;-)

I was surprised that this picture suddenly has so many views. Just googled, someone has probably linked it in the US: https://imgur.com/gallery/BzxcLQD
The best comments from there:
"This is the first place I ever got drunk."
"I've been there, too bad.
"I've got a lot more across the street."
"Stole ... he ... borrowed a glass from there just last year."
It's a vomit bowl. "" The current building has a very ornate ceramic bowl in the bathroom. "
Let nobody say the Americans have no humor ;-)

soeren wrote on 09/11/2017 1:02 p.m. (edited on 04/15/2019 3:52 p.m.) :

Hi Stefan! Wir fanden dein Bild klasse und haben es deshalb auf imgur und Reddit verlinkt. Den Imgur-Link hast du ja bereits in beeindruckend kurzer Zeit gefunden, deshalb hier noch der Link zum Reddit-Post mit derzeit knapp 44.000 Ansichten und rund 120 Kommentaren: https://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/comments/6z22lq/the_hofbräuhaus_in_munich_a_hundred_years_ago_and/

Hi Stefan! We found your picture great and have therefore linked it to imgur and reddit. The Imgur link you have already found in an impressively short time, so here's the link to the Reddit post with currently almost 44,000 views and about 120 comments: https://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/comments/6z22lq / the_hofbräuhaus_in_munich_a_hundred_years_ago_and /

Stefan_M wrote on 09/11/2017 4:21 p.m. (edited on 04/15/2019 3:52 p.m.) :

Grossartig! Ich fühle mich geehrt! Und freue mich auf weitere lustige Kommentare!

Great! I am honored! And I look forward to more funny comments!

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