
Melkevollbreen Glacier

© Axel Lindahl / www.nibio.no
NOR Stryn
© Oskar Puschmann / www.nibio.no

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Tilbakeblikk published on 11/26/2015 12:43 p.m.:

A view of Melkevollbreen Glacier, in Stryn, Sogn og Fjordane in 1888 and 2007. By comparing older photographs of farms with the same farm today, it is surprising to see how often old houses have been preserved. This is especially the case in the inner courtyard where storehouses and farmhouses are often the oldest still standing. The picture from Yri in Stryn shows that three of the five buildings from 1888 still exist. The stone walls of two of them are particularly easy to see. The house foremost in the picture was a mill, but is no longer there.


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