
Women's Hall - Spearfish Normal - 1900

Salle des femmes - Spearfish Normal - 1900

© Unknown photographer / Case Library
USA Spearfish, S.D.

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robertwellmancampbell a publié le 25 fév. 2020 19:10:

Ladies' Hall at Spearfish Normal (1900) is now Wenona Cook Hall at Black Hills State University (2013). A regular photo site for students in public history, and still lovely despite decades of obvious architectural abuse. If you like it then you should have put a roof on it. 1900 photo courtesy of Bobbi Sago, Leland D. Case Library for Western Historical Studies. Spearfish, South Dakota, USA.

Le Ladies 'Hall de Spearfish Normal (1900) est maintenant le Wenona Cook Hall de la Black Hills State University (2013). Un site photo régulier pour les étudiants en histoire publique, et toujours charmant malgré des décennies d'abus architecturaux évidents. Si vous l'aimez, vous auriez dû y mettre un toit. 1900 photo gracieuseté de Bobbi Sago, Leland D. Case Library for Western Historical Studies. Spearfish, Dakota du Sud, USA.


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